Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bridge builder

You built a bridge for me.
Cautiously but swiftly guided me to the other side.
And turned around.
The other side:
So many possibilities and  numerous openings
Still -
All by myself.


PS interested in seeing more ?  Visit my photostream.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I need your help

I urgently need a copywriter who can write (3000 characters maximum) about photographic portfolio and project. I cannot pay you, but I can offer you a photoshoot instead.

Hulp nodig! Wie kent er iemand die dringend (binnen de week) copy kan schrijven in NL (3000 karakters max.) over fotografisch oeuvre en project. Kan niet betalen, maar in ruil bied ik je een fotoshoot aan.

Thank you,
Dank je,
