Saturday, March 30, 2013

Pay it forward

One of the fastest growing 'hypes' I've seen over the past 24 hours is the 'Suspended Coffees' (in Dutch Uitgestelde Koffie).  A new way to to help somebody in need.  Everyone can help, by either paying in advance a hot beverage - or even some food - for people who need it and cannot afford it.

I love the idea, and I am not the only one, as all social media seem to have picked up this story.  In Oostende, one group of people started to implement the idea for coffee and hot soup.

I just hope my local cafés and brasseries will pick up on this and help as well.  The only thing I can do right now is just share the idea - you can as well so please share !

We'll see how it pans out.


Monday, March 25, 2013

Des Visages Des Figures

Inspired by the music and poetry of Noir Desir

Des visages, des figures
Dévisagent, défigurent
Des figurants à effacer
des faces A, des faces B


Des corps, des esprits me reviennent
Des décors, des scènes, des arènes
Hantez, hantez, faites comme chez vous, restez


(lyrics by Noir Désir, song Des Visages Des Figures)


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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Switch off!

Today is Earth Hour!

Switch it off for an hour and take a look here to see what else you could be doing.


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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

International Day of Happiness

March 20 - International Day of Happiness.

Established by the General Assembly of the United Nations on June 28, 2012.

Conscious that the pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human goal...

What is happiness and why do we need a special day to celebrate it?  According to happiness is when your life fulfills your needs.  And the road to happiness is

  • Change your needs to fit your life
  • Change your life to fit your needs

Simple words, but quite a challenge.

Trapped (Oostende, a couple of years ago)


Just for fun

Sometimes life gets too serious, and I get too serious.

Mr. P fooling around in the studio (2009)

I cherish moments like these, just fooling around in the studio - no meaning, no agenda, just sheer fun. Whatever happens, happens.

And then this one thanks to Mr. P. who always is ready for some unexpected fun and jokes.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Saint Patrick's Day

No green beer nor green colored food items for me on March 17th.

But I do want to share my shamrock with you today.

According to tradition, they bring good luck. Each leaf of the four-leaved clover has a meaning: the first is for faith, the second is for hope, the third is for love, and the fourth is for luck.

Looking down can give you nice surprises.(photo 2007)

I'm already happy if it just brings a smile on your face.


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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Ice Cold

Ice cold 

Waking up 

Wet face 

Bedding balled up somewhere on the floor 

Strange wars being fought out during the night 

No winners 

Crushing elevators and angry men 

Running without escape 


Thankful for morning light.


Friday, March 15, 2013

This night too will pass

This night too will pass (photo 2008)

Ich will mit dem gehen, den ich liebe.
Ich will nicht ausrechnen, was es kostet.
Ich will nicht nachdenken, ob es gut ist.
Ich will nicht wissen, ob er mich liebt.
Ich will mit ihm gehen, den ich liebe.

Bertolt Brecht

I want to go with the one I love.
I do not want to calculate the cost.
I do not want to think about whether it's good.
I do not want to know whether he loves me.
I want to go with whom I love. 

Bertolt Brecht


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Papal Conclave 2013

Ghent Cemetary

With 90 cardinals of the 115 cardinal electors over  80 years old in the papal conclave of 2013, I guess we should not expect much 'change' in the near future.


PS interested in seeing more ?  Visit my photostream.

Long Winter

Just a little more patience needed to welcome the spring 2013.

Due to the snowstorm today,  more than 1600 km traffic jam in Belgium - a new record.  Trains have been cancelled to and from Brussels late in the morning.  I wonder how the commuters will get home today.

Studio - playing with ice

Lucky me, I am teleworking today and can write a little blog during lunchtime :-)


Monday, March 11, 2013

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Get Rhythm

Get Rhythm When You Get Blues as Ry Cooder sang in 1987 - although this is a cover of a Johnny Cash song.

Hey, get rhythm when you get the blues
Come on, get rhythm when you get the blues
Get a rock 'n' roll feelin' in your bones
Put taps on your toes and get gone
Get rhythm when you get the blues

Studio shot, trying to capture movement

So we try, even if tomorrow there will be a different kind of ever increasing work rhythm at play.


PS interested in seeing more ?  Visit my photostream.


After a promise of spring, another very grey and gloomy day.

I want colors and light !

Tomatoes on my kitchen table (on a day with a tad more light)

PS interested in seeing more ?  Visit my photostream.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013


Some pictures don't need words.  Like this one.  I think the expression on the faces tell everything which needs to be told.  It's about the emotion being captured.

Taken a couple of years ago in my neighborhood.  An area labelled 'the ghetto' by some of my new city council members.

Damn proud to live here.



PS interested in seeing more ?  Visit my photostream.

Saturday, March 2, 2013


March, month of hope.

Hope of some warmth, the beginning of spring, if we are lucky.  This year's winter seems to have been extremely long, but it is probably just a perception.

Hope to be able to shed the extra layers of bedding, and live in longer days.  Hope to enjoy the first rays of spring on a sidewalk cafe, or -even better- to take a walk in the woods.  Hope to see the best colors of the year, with the delicate greens, indicating the new life there is after the temporary death or rest of winter.

Let it come.

Hallerbos in spring

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